Sourcing the Stream
Sourcing the Stream
Reflections on Place
Belonging: Reflections on Place is an 8 channel video installation designed for the specific spaces where it is exhibited. The most recent version was commissioned by the Immigration Museum of Melbourne (Victoria Museum), Australia. Previous versions have been exhibited at Monash University in Melbourne (2007), the APE Gallery in Northampton, MA (2009 & 2010) and at the International Bricks and Mortar Video Festival in Greeenfield, MA (2010).
The installation includes six stationary monitors featuring interviews with thirty immigrants and refugees now living in Australia. These interviews, filmed in extreme close-up, are framed by a gallery space filled with large-scale projections of movement and displacement. Visitors are encouraged to move from screen to screen, engaging with fragments of stories and with their own memories and reflections on location, displacement and transition.